
flowFit: a Bioconductor package to estimate proliferation in cell-tracking dye studies - Bioinformatics, 2014

July 15, 2014 · Rambaldi D, Pece S, Di Fiore PP


FancyGene: dynamic visualization of gene structures and protein domain architectures on genomic loci - Bioinformatics, 2009

September 1, 2009 · Rambaldi D, Francesca D Ciccarelli

Low duplicability and network fragility of cancer genes

Low duplicability and network fragility of cancer genes - Trends Genet, 2008

August 24, 2008 · Rambaldi D, Federico M Giorgi, Fabrizio Capuani, Andrea Ciliberto, Francesca D Ciccarelli


Splicy: a web-based tool for the prediction of possible alternative splicing events from Affymetrix probeset data

March 8, 2007 · Rambaldi Davide, Barbara Felice, Viviane Praz, Philip Bucher, Davide Cittaro, Alessandro Guffanti


NemaFootPrinter: a web based software for the identification of conserved non-coding genome sequence regions between C. elegans and C. briggsae

December 1, 2005 · Rambaldi Davide, Alessandro Guffanti, Paolo Morandi, Giuseppe Cassata

Other pubblications (collaborations)

Other pubblications on PubMed

January 1, 2005 · Rambaldi D